
21 Day Breakthrough Fast – Body Language

Most agree that at least 55% of communication is non-verbal or body language. Some researchers put the number as high as 80%! Jentesen Franklin says this: “Fasting is our body language to God.” Words are cheap, the real indicator is our actions. Some other phrases like this are “Put your money where you mouth is” and “Actions speak louder than words.” When we fast we are expressing out heart hunger for Jesus and how serious we are about hearing His voice and following His ways. 

From a place of humblness when we pray and fast we get His eyes, His ears and His voice. We position ourselves to be lifted up, to see how He sees, hear what He wants us to hear and to learn the sound of His whisper guiding our steps. When we pray and seek Him instead of just what He can do for us, we are compelled to go to the next step of what He has for our journey with Him. 

Let Jesus see your heart hunger for Him. Communicate how much you want and need Him. Make Jesus your #1 priority. When you seek Him first you will get your breakthroughs, all the other things will be added unto you!

Posted in TLC Devotional on January 11, 2013.