
21 Day Breakthrough Fast – Doing God’s Will

Many people worry that doing God’s will is bad for them. They think He will send them to  a difficult place or make them ugly, poor and weird. I think this is Satan’s propaganda. If we all did God’s will we would be fulfilled, happy and have a wonderful world full of peace and every good thing. It would be like … heaven! 

In John chapter 4 Jesus met a woman at the well. She had tried many things to find fulfillment but was empty, used and abused. She was thirsty for something better, some breakthrough, but had almost given up on it all. Jesus offered her living water, a life so good that she would never thirst again. She took Him up on it and so did most every one in the city that day. When the disciples came back with food Jesus said “I have food to eat that you know nothing about, My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to completely finish His work.” Giving up some burgers and fries in order to discover and do the will of God is a very good thing. While the disciples wanted to fill their bellies with food Jesus wanted to fill a city with revival!

Discover and do God’s will. You won’t regret it!

Posted in TLC Devotional on January 10, 2013.