
21 Day Breakthrough Fast – The Wilderness

Jesus was led into the wilderness and there He fasted for 40 days. It was the first thing that happened to Him after He was baptized and the voice of the Father endorsed and introduced  Him. The Holy Spirit descended on Him and filled Him, then He went into the wilderness, fasted and was tempted of the devil. Read about it in Luke chapter four. 

Many times life feels like a wilderness to us. Maybe in our marriage or our finances or our health or even our ministry. The wilderness is a place of extremes. You can have extreme heat in the day and extreme cold in the night. We tend to like a gentle, easy and constant environment but beware of that; the alternative to extremes is lukewarmness. Jesus came out of the wilderness with victory over temptation and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Fasting was a key for this. 

In our time of fasting it is an extreme sacrifice and seeking of God but we are praying for some breakthroughs. We are wanting to be led by God into our next steps. We are needing power to overcome and get beyond current boundaries and issues. We are wanting to be a better minister, spouse, friend, community member, parent … Fasting is a short season that produces a lasting effect. Fasting gets us into a position to receive personal blessing and guidance for our life, and also enables God to use us to reach others with His power. 

Don’t be discouraged and paralyzed by your wilderness. Seek God while you are there. He will bring you out with a new sense of purpose, victory and power.

Posted in TLC Devotional on January 3, 2013.