Many times we don’t even realize we are discouraged. We can be deep into frustration, discouragement or even depression before we realize it. Recently for me it took a time away. While at National Convention in a whole new pace and a new environment I began unwinding enough to do some healthy evaluation. A 2000 mile drive coupled with connecting with some amazing leaders did the trick this time. Discouragement puts the focus on the wrong things and sabotages the right things.
Deuteronomy 1:21 “Look, the Lord your God has set the land before you; go up and possess it, as The Lord God of your father has spoken to you; do not fear or be discouraged.” God has good things ahead of us. If we get fearful and discouraged it slows us down and can even detour us from our preferred future. I finally took time to look. I saw the wrong path I had slid into. I began moving back onto the preferred path.
I realized that my discouragement was not accomplishing my goals. I had some real things battling my goals and discouraging me but focusing on those only made things worse, not better. I came home with a new focus and desire to push through or dump discouragement, not be derailed by adversity, keep moving forward no matter what, and accomplish the goals God has set before me.
It is hard to dump discouragement when you are oblivious to it or in denial about it. Look, look at what God has for you, go up and possess it, do not fear or be discouraged.