
What To Expect

The Life Center is a place where we want you to feel comfortable being just who you are!

At our Kamiah Campus, Sunday mornings is our largest service. When you walk through the doors you will see people of all different ages and walks of life. There is definitely no dress code so you will see people in dress clothes and others in jeans and T-shirts. We love it when people come as they are! Once inside one of our Ushers/Greeters will give you a folder with a bunch of information in it. Sunday School starts at 9:15am and during this time we have classes for all different ages throughout the building. At 10:10am our general service begins. The main aspects of this service are announcements, upbeat contemporary worship music and a relatable message delivered in a conversational style that is easy to understand. Our service is usually over by 11:45am so you can go enjoy the afternoon with your friends and family.


We have lots of other weekly events you can get involved in so make sure to check the website, our FB page and the weekly bulletin handed out during our Sunday morning services.