Have you received this book in the mail?
If you are from the Lewiston area then you might have received one of these books along with some follow up postcards in your mailbox. This book is full of real stories from people at The Life Center. Many times we just assume that church people have it all together and have never had any problems, but the reality is that they are just like you. Everyone has a story, and our book Sink or Swim highlights seven of these stories.
If you do not have one of these books we also love giving these away to our guest as a free gift for visiting us during our main campus services. At Kamiah just pop in to ‘The Link’ to pick one up.
Ed Jacoby had very few aspirations. Perpetuating wild pranks was always more fun than studying, and during his freshman year at the University of Idaho, he partied his grade point average down to a 1.0. Not surprisingly, he flunked out. He took a job at a tire and rubber company, ended up in a body cast, lost his job – and drowned his misery in alcohol.
Ed was sinking fast.
Then his new wife, Jean, threw him a life buoy. “What do you really want to do?”
He hesitated, remembering a dream. “Coach.”
“Then, let’s make you a coach.”
His father-in-law said, “If you’re going to coach, I expect you to be a very good one – an Olympic coach.”
Like that’s ever going to happen, Ed thought.
The raging waters, with turbulent twists, take the Jacobys to places beyond anyone’s craziest imaginations.
Seven stories, nine “swimmers” gasping for air in voracious life-sucking whirlpools. They crash against jagged rocks – cheap sex, deaths of loved ones, abandonment, suicide attempts, drug addictions, impending long prison terms, killers chasing them – and each search the shoreline for a rescue team. Will they find a lifeline?
Will they sink – or swim?