

  • May 12, 2024

    5/12/2024 – A Mother’s Heart

    by Arby Shown

    God’s will leads us through the darkest hours. The righteous heart of a mother has faith to follow God’s will through those hard times.

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  • May 6, 2024

    5/5/2024 Called to Contribute

    by Arby Shown

    God calls us to be stewards over His creation. He calls us to faith in expanding His kingdom with the talent and resources He has entrusted to us. We glorify God when we serve and contribute in His kingdom.

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  • April 28, 2024

    4/27/2024 – Dan – You Have Our Yes

    by Guest Speaker

    Life’s journeys are not always easy: Be patient in the Lord – a break through is coming!

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  • April 21, 2024

    4/21/2024 Family Life

    by Arby Shown

    Firm Foundation Series

    Properly applied instruction and discipline guides one towards obedience unto God’s law. Pray unceasingly to put on the full armor of God to stand firm in His law.

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  • April 14, 2024

    4/15/2024 Blue Print

    by Arby Shown

    Believers in families submit to one another out of love and reverance for Jesus Christ. We set the example to the world around us by cleansing ourselves in God’s holy word and treating one another with love and respect.

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  • April 7, 2024

    4/7/2024 – Bread of Life

    by Johny Schuster

    Jesus must be the center of our lives. We must know him through the cross.

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  • March 31, 2024

    3/31/2024 He Is Risen!

    by Arby Shown

    We must, without bitterness, patiently endure the pain of life’s challenges. Reject numbing agents and be fully present in Christ’s love.

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  • March 24, 2024

    3/24/2024 – God’s Blueprint for Our Lives

    by Arby Shown

    Firm Foundation Series

    We should look forward to what God has in store for us and those around us. We should seek and understand God’s blueprint for our lives allowing Him to build and fortify us to do His will according to our calling and purpose.

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  • March 17, 2024

    3/17/2024 Floor Plan Part 2

    by Arby Shown

    We must not allow falsehoods or anger to influence our lives or use such to influence others. As a body of believers, we can search out the truth together, expanding God’s influence within our hearts by removing all footholds Satan has in our lives. Doing so, honors and pleases God.

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  • March 10, 2024

    3/10/2024 – John Swan: Gideon’s Report

    by Guest Speaker

    Gideons are “Men of the Book,” who sow the good seed of God’s word into the hearts of unbelievers; exposing them to the testimony of the Holy Spirit.

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