

  • December 24, 2023

    12/24/2023 Christmas Program / Choices (Sermon that followed)

    by Johny Schuster

    Every day in our lives, we make choices. We should seek alignment with God’s will in our lives in the choices we make.

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  • December 17, 2023

    12/17/2023 – Jesus Came With Us

    by Arby Shown

    The world is filled with troubling days. Jesus promises to be with us through it all, with the Holy Spirit as our guide.

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  • December 10, 2023

    12/10/2023 Jesus Came for Us!

    by Arby Shown

    Jesus came for you. Reflect often on this and rejoice in His salvation.

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  • December 3, 2023

    11/24/2023 You Are My Joy

    by Kelly Lineberry

    The joy in the Lord strengthens us in times of good and bad.

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  • November 19, 2023

    11/19/2023 – Gratitude in Provision

    by Arby Shown

    Stewardship Series:

    Salvation through Jesus Christ is the greatest provision from God. Use this provision to bless others while giving thanks to God, knowing His love endures forever.

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  • November 12, 2023

    11/12/2023 – Thankfulness in Discipline

    by Arby Shown

    Stewardship Series:

    God’s Spirit gives us power, love and self-discipline. Discipline is motivated by love to pursue a higher set of standards to live by.

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  • November 6, 2023

    11/5/2023 Thankfulness in Testing

    by Arby Shown

    Stewardship Series

    God wants us to be thankful during all circumstances, blissful or under duress. Have faith that God will provide the way through difficult times.

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  • November 6, 2023

    10/29/2023 Love Like Jesus

    by Arby Shown

    Stewardship Series

    True love comes from God and never fails. We glorify God when we love as Jesus does.

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  • November 6, 2023

    10/22/2023 Work & Rest (Part II)

    by Arby Shown

    Stewardship Series

    God entrusts us with stewardship over all His creation, including ourselves. He made us in His image and likeness, giving us power and authority to fulfill our stewardship responsibilities within His kingdom.

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  • October 15, 2023

    10/15/2023 Work & Rest

    by Arby Shown

    Stewardship Series:

    God rested after completing all of His work. We rest in Christ’s saving grace once we finish the work God has given us.

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