
Author Archive

  • Fearful to Faithful

    Fear, such a small word for a big thing. Fear can be healthy and life saving but it can also be crippling and life-stealing. Being fearful during dangerous situations is a great and could save your life and that of others. There are other times when fear stops us from moving forward into the next […]

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  • The Bundle of Sticks

    Like the bundle of sticks together we are stronger. Together we can stand up to many storms. When we stand alone we are like the thin twig the wind and weather will beat us down and cause us to break, but if we stand with other twigs we become a bundle that is strong. As […]

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  • Stones of Remembrance

      Our stories are God’s stories. They show those around us that it doesn’t matter where you have been. God can use that place you were for His Glory. The enemy wants us to believe the lie that if we tell our stories, people will look at us with scorn or pity or even rejection. […]

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  • Comfort Zone

    Comfort Zone, that place where we feel safe and strong. But what happens when we cross that invisible border? What do we feel then? No longer safe? No longer strong? God wants us to feel safe and strong no matter where we are. Comfort zones are places we have created because as humans we need […]

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  • God Sees Me

    Look in the mirror What is in the reflection? I see me I see someone who is different I see someone who doesn’t fit in I see someone who is not special I see pain and loneliness I see all the mistakes I see me What does God see? God sees me God sees someone […]

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  • Jump out of the Fishbowl

    Jesus wants us to share His love with others. These others are outside of the church. But many of us spend our lives only inside the church, surrounded by church people. We have our scheduled service, we have our special spots we have our groups of people we talk to every week. We are like […]

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  • How are you?

    Are we cursing our blessings? Most of us would say no way! Well then let me ask you a question. How do you answer when others ask “How are you?” Think for a minute. Do you start on a list of your various aches and pains? Do you start listing your family problems? We are […]

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  • Journey to Joy

      The journey is dark today. The pain and despair unending. Where is the hope? Where is the light? Keep Moving! Rest, the journey is long Feel the pressure to move on. Down in the valley now Keep Moving! The land is changing now Things are getting a little rougher Keep Moving! Look Ahead. Almost […]

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  • Give your bucket to Jesus!

    Imagine that every morning you wake up get ready for your day and you cannot leave your home with out a bucket. When you leave in the morning your bucket is empty and easy to carry but as the day moves ahead you pick things up. You meet a friend and they tell you they […]

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  • Gifts

    When someone gives us a gift what do we usually do with it? Open it and show it to others and then praise the giver. God has given us all gifts but instead of opening them many of us have put them away. The Word says in 1 Cor. 12 that all are given gifts. […]

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